Purple Metae Tetra

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Hyphessobrycon metae, commonly known as the Purple Rio Meta Tetra, is a rare and enigmatic aquarium fish species that has recently captivated the hearts of fish enthusiasts around the world. Native to the Rio Orinoco basin and especially the Rio Meta (as suggested in their common name), these petite yet stunning fish bring vibrancy and a touch of the wild to any home aquarium. With their unique coloration and peaceful demeanor, Hyphessobrycon metae is a favored choice for both beginners and experienced hobbyists alike.

The Purple Rio Meta Tetra is known for its striking appearance, characterized by a shimmering silvery purple-blue body adorned with a distinct black stripe running from its snout to the base of its tail fin. This prominent stripe gives it a striking contrast and an almost regal appearance, making it a true standout among other tetra species. These fish are relatively small, typically growing to about 4 centimeters, making them suitable for smaller aquarium setups. Their peaceful nature makes them excellent tank mates for other non-aggressive species, making it easy to create a harmonious community aquarium.

In terms of care, Hyphessobrycon metae are undemanding, making them an ideal choice for both novice and seasoned aquarists. They thrive in well-maintained tanks with stable water parameters, including a slightly acidic to neutral pH and a temperature range between 22°C to 26°C. Providing them with a well-planted tank and soft, dim lighting will mimic their natural habitat and enhance their colors. This is a species that lends itself quite well to both brightly-lit high tech aquascaped aquariums as well as more dimply lit, tannin-heavy biotope-style aquariums. Their diet mainly consists of high-quality flake foods, freeze-dried, and live or frozen foods to ensure their overall health and vibrant coloration.