Gold Tetra

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The Gold Tetra, also known as the Brass Tetra or Shiny Tetra, is often called the Sun Tetra in the hobby and is most notable for its silvery glittering color, which also gave it its name. The scientifically named Hemmigrammus rodwayi belongs to the tetra family and originates from South America, more precisely from the rivers of the lower Amazon. For advanced beginners, it is a great co-inhabitant that cuts a great figure in the community tank.

It has an elongated tall body with flat sides and a terminal mouth. They become approx. 5 cm long. In base color the Gold Tetra is gray to yellowish, with the upper back almost shimmering olive, the scales are black rimmed, the belly is light. Its silver lateral line is striking, extending from the dorsal fin to the caudal fin and ending in a, black, white fringed spot. At the base of the fins, their fins shimmer orange-reddish, and the caudal fin has red spots. Males are difficult to distinguish from females, the latter having more yellowish fins and appearing somewhat stronger overall.

Breeding of the Gold Tetra is possible in the aquarium. In doing so, the animals breed as free spawners, laying their eggs anywhere in the aquarium. Since they are also strong spawn predators, they should rather be mated in a spawning aquarium with a spawning grid and then transferred again.  The fish larvae must be raised separately because they would be eaten by the adults. The fry can be fed with artemia euplii.

The aquarium for Gold Tetras should be at least 80 liters and have a pH of 6.0 to 6.5 and a hardness of 5-12 °dGH. They feel most comfortable at a temperature between 24 and 27 degrees. In addition to a dense planting in places, the animals need sufficient swimming space to draw their lanes. From time to time they prefer a retreat. In general, the aquarium should be a little darker and not too brightly lit. Floating plants and other plants reaching to the water surface, such as the Tiger Lotus, create an optimal ambience here.

Since they also draw their strength from the group, they should be kept at least to 10. The quite peaceful Gold Tetras can also be socialized with other peaceful South American tetras or catfishes without any problems. This quite peaceful tetra can be kept together with dwarf shrimps, although it may eat young shrimps. Optimal are well reproducing species like Neocaridina davidi, Neocaridina palmata or the Sulawesi shr imp.

As a typical omnivore and predatory fish, the Gold Tetra needs animal by-products such as frozen food, freeze-dried FD food or fine live food in addition to the usual fish food for omnivorous aquarium fish.


Origin: South America
Visual effect: Swarm behavior
Temperature: 20-25 °C
Behavior: Active
Feature: Interesting coloring
Water values: Soft water
Aquarium size: 54 l (approx. 60cm)