Alien Betta - Male

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Alien bettas and any splendens of the complex species can be just as aggressive as the ornamental forms of betta fish. Bettas are aggressive and territorial fish which is why they should not be housed together. Males fight till death or serious injury, and the same applies to some female betta fish. Even though Alien bettas are not a true species of B. splendens, they have almost the same behavior and temperament. So, if you are looking for a more friendly version of the betta fish, unfortunately, they do not exist. Some aquarists will claim that their Alien bettas are friendlier than the originally domesticated betta fish, however, this is not true and the overall tameness of your betta fish is determined by their personality.

Alien Betta Info    
Common Names: Alien Betta
Scientific Name: Unknown hybrid within the Betta splendens complex
Minimum Tank Size: 10 litres but more is reccommended 
Beginner-Friendly: Yes
Breeding: Very difficult
Lifespan: 3-5 years
Diet: Omnivore but primarily carnivorous
Aggressive: Often more peaceful than typical betta fish
Water Temperature: 25-28C
pH Level: pH 6-8