TROPICAL Super Spirulina Forte Granulat - is a Food with a high content of spirulina (36%) in the form of granules developed for algae-eating fish, including African cichlids, and other fish that require a large share of plant-based material in their diet. It perfectly supplements the diet of omnivorous aquarium fish.
• food in the form of granules with high content of spirulina (36%)
• intended for everyday feeding of large African cichlids and other algae-eating fish, including marine, whose diet requires a considerable share of plant material
• perfectly diversifies the diet of omnivorous aquarium fish
• if used regularly, it intensifies fish’s coloration thanks to the high content of carotenoids in spirulina
• stimulates the immune system
• regulates digestion
• prevents inflammation of the digestive tract, which is particularly important for herbivorous species whose digestive tracts are very long
• optimal phosphorus level meets the needs of fish and reduces algal blooms
Benefits for your fish
• intensifies coloration
• encourages growth and maturation
• stimulates reproduction
• promotes the development of healthy bacterial flora in the gastrointestinal tract
• improves immunity
Tropical tips
Herbivorous aquarium fish, such as tropheus, do not like sudden changes of food. When introducing a new product to their diet, feed it in small portions along with their present food, gradually increasing its share of the daily food intake.