TROPICAL Super Spirulina Forte Flakes - is a Flake food with a high content of spirulina (36%) developed for algae-eating fish, including African cichlids, and other fish that require a large share of plant-based material in their diet. It perfectly supplements the diet of omnivorous aquarium fish.
• flake food with high content of spirulina (36%)
• intended for everyday feeding of large African cichlids and other algae-eating fish, including marine, whose diet requires a considerable share of plant material
• perfectly diversifies the diet of omnivorous aquarium fish
• if used regularly, it intensifies fish’s coloration thanks to the high content of carotenoids in spirulina
• stimulates the immune system
• regulates digestion
• prevents inflammation of the digestive tract, which is particularly important for herbivorous species whose digestive tracts are very long
• optimal phosphorus level meets the needs of fish and reduces algal blooms
Benefits for your fish
• intensifies coloration
• encourages growth and maturation
• stimulates reproduction
• promotes the development of healthy bacterial flora in the gastrointestinal tract
• improves immunity
Tropical tips
Flake food is an extremely versatile form of food. If necessary, it can be crushed into smaller pieces, suitable for small fish species. The flakes, floating all over the aquarium, also give more shy fish species or dominant individuals a chance to feed.