A colour-enhancing food for omnivorous and carnivorous aquarium fish from fresh, marine and brackish waters, in the form of bloodworm-like sticks (resembling Chironomidae larvae).
• a colour-enhancing food for omnivorous and carnivorous aquarium fish from fresh, marine and brackish waters
• bloodworm-like sticks (resembling Chironomidae larvae) placed in the aquarium in the water current imitate the movement of live insects, which encourages fish to feed
• astaxanthin and red pepper intensify the colours of fish in a short period of time and ensure their excellent condition
• high protein content affects the growth of fish
• natural immune stimulator – beta-glucan – and stabilized Vitamic C enhance fish’s resistance to diseases
• when used regularly, it ensures steady growth, excellent condition and intense colours
• optimal phosphorus level meets the needs of fish and reduces algal blooms
Benefits for your fish
• intensifies coloration
• encourages growth and maturation
• stimulates reproduction
• improves immunity
• encourages fish to feed