Pond One CLARITEC 10000UV Pond Filter
- Solid construction
- Deep cleaning power
- Greater filter volume
- Built in UV-C
- Includes filter media
- Supplied with all hose connectors
- Remote UV-C ballast unit
- 2+ 1 Year Guarantee
Suggested when choosing the appropriate pump size, the following needs to be taken into consideration: hose length to filter, hose height to filter, hose diameter used, bends and angles in the hose. All of these factors affect the end flow rate of the pump. As a guide, use the following calculations and match them to the head height values to cross reference the end flow of the pump in L/pr-hr.
- Every 1m of pipe is equivalent to 10cm of head height loss.
- For every 1 size hose diameter reduced from the maximum outlet diameter of the pump it is equivanlent to 1m of head height loss.
- For every sharp 90-degree bend in the hose is equivalent to 1m loss of head height.
- For every sharp 45-degree bend in the hose is equivalent to 50cm loss of head height