Description: Protect your pet - inside and out. Advocate, a patented combination of Imidacloprid (from Advantage) and Moxidectin, is a break-through in the treatment of parasites in dogs. Advocate treats and protects against the major parasites of your pet, inside and out.
Ingredients: Imidacloprid spreads rapidly over your pet, killing 98-100% of adult fleas within 12 hours of application. In addition, Imidacloprid controls flea larvae in the pet's environment and reduces the incidence of Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD).
Benefits: Use Advocate for: The treatment and prevention of Fleas The control of roundworms, hookworms and whipworm An aid in the treatment and control of Demodectic mange The control of Lice The treatment and control of Sarcoptic mange and Ear Mites Key Benefits: 100 percent effective at preventing heartworm disease( not present in NZ ) caused by Dirofilaria immitis. 100 percent effective treatment and control of hookworm infections caused by Ancylostoma caninum and Uncinaria stenocephala (adults, immature adults and fourth stage larvae). Up to 98.2 percent effective treatment and control of roundworm infections caused by Toxocara canis (adults and fourth stage larvae). Up to 100 percent effective for the treatment and control roundworm infection caused by Toxascaris leonina (adults). Up to 98.6 percent effective treatment and control of whipworm infections caused by Trichuris vulpis (adults). Safe and effective, when used topically as directed, for dogs and puppies that are at least seven weeks of age and that weigh at least 1.5kg. This product is a '3 Pack' - 3 applications per pack.